IBD Awareness

A Book Review: Grit

A few weeks ago I finished a book titled Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth. This book had been on my reading list for YEARS and I finally decided it was time to pick it up. The timing couldn't have been better. I just purchased my first home - which was… Continue reading A Book Review: Grit

IBD Awareness

A Book Review: Bittersweet

I just finished reading a book called Bittersweet by Susan Cain and felt compelled to write about it. Susan Cain is one of my favorite authors, so when I found this book at the bookstore it was an easy buy. I read her previous book Quiet about a year ago and it really spoke to… Continue reading A Book Review: Bittersweet

IBD Awareness

Change is Permanent

This month, I am celebrating two years in remission. When I was diagnosed five years ago, the thought of being in remission didn't even cross my mind. I never thought I would even get there. My long-term goals took a backseat and my short-term goal became getting better day by day. A few weeks ago,… Continue reading Change is Permanent

IBD Awareness

The Seven Primal Questions

I recently met up with a friend who is near and dear to my heart. We are both twenty-six, but feels like we've been through a lifetime of heartache. We had an honest conversation about life - what we thought it would be like at this age, where we are currently at, and where we… Continue reading The Seven Primal Questions

IBD Awareness

Grieving and Loss

In my mindfulness class last week, we talked about why we as humans hold onto things - specifically events that caused negative emotions. Things like fear, worry, anxiety, sadness, loneliness, anger, isolation. I learned that while it is good to sit with these emotions and process them, we don't have to hold onto them so… Continue reading Grieving and Loss

IBD Awareness

The Birthday Post

Today is my 26th birthday. It feels like just another day. It seems as though the older I get, the less significant the birthday's become. It's not the same anymore as an adult, but that doesn't mean I stop celebrating. I read something on the Co-Star app a few days ago that caught my eye.… Continue reading The Birthday Post

IBD Awareness

Reconfiguring in Remission

On Tuesday, I had a guest speaker attend my support group. Her name is Dr. Beth Creel and she is a psychologist and certified grief counselor from Las Vegas. A topic that frequently comes up in our meetings is grief and trauma associated with chronic illness, so it was great to hear from her this… Continue reading Reconfiguring in Remission

IBD Awareness

An Ode to My Community

I have been absent from my blog for a while. I don't want to be, but sometimes I find it hard to pick and choose what to share. Words make things feel more permanent and being vulnerable isn't always easy. I've been experiencing a lot of changes lately - all really good changes - but… Continue reading An Ode to My Community

IBD Awareness

Life’s Big Moments

With a chronic illness, life's big moments feel diluted. When I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, I felt like all of life's big moments that I imagined for myself were taken away. I couldn't picture them anymore. Instead of thinking long-term, I was thinking about the short-term. How was I going to make it through… Continue reading Life’s Big Moments